Mar 5, 2011

How to Tell a Joke?

    Most of the staff on our ship sails together many years, one day Andy "the greaser" who was also the best stories teller and jokes improviser suggest "buddies, believe me, we know all the jokes in the world, so why shall we chew them again, lets define each joke by it's number and instead telling the Joke Connect two, I will declare "Joke No. 2", and then all of us will remember it and have fun".
    So from that day we use to tell each other "joke 81", Ha, ha, ha, that’s great. One day two Lieutenants, Bobby and Steve joined our ship. We were after a very complicated drill, so we all were sitting and trying to enjoy our after duty's hours. As usual Andy start's telling his Jokes.
Andy: "Joke 37" 
Audience: Ha, ha, ha, ha, applause, and then again Ha, ha, that's great Andy.
Steve: "what's all about? what make you laugh?"
Andy explained him the principles of our Joke procedure.
Now Gordon told us "Joke No 18" and we start laughing nonstop.
Lieutenant Bobby said: "Joke 44", nobody laugh!!!
Lieutenant Bobby: "Why nobody laugh? It's not funny?"
Gordon: "Sir, It's a great Joke, but you must learn how to tell a Joke, watch how Andy will tell it"
Andy: "Joke 44" Audience: Ha, ha, ha, applause, and then again Ha, ha, that's great Andy.

   "Joke 44" Ancient times Water-Ski
  The Commander of a Roman Galley announced the slaves "I've got to inform you two things, what shall I tell you first, the good or the bad news?" Spartacus replied "Sir we prefer the good news first". The Commander promised them BBQ for Lunch. 
Spartacus: "Thanks God it's time to treat us better, we are starving" 
The Commander proceed: "The Admiral would like to enjoy water-ski after Lunch"

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