Dec 11, 2013

How Will Sex Keep You In Shape

Everybody say that good sex will keep you in shape. So we collect the facts from 4,938 volunteers, here are the figures about how many calories are burned during sex:
Bra releasing.

With both hands............................ 4 Calories
With one hand..............................36 Calories
Using your teeth..........................160 Calories  

Dressing a Condom.
With an erection............................8 Calories
Without an erection...................300 Calories

Screwing Style.
Missionary......................................9 Calories
French Kissing.............................36 Calories
Wheelbarrow Race.....................290 Calories


Italian Waiter..........................330 Calories

Watching the clip......................69 Calories

Getting an Erection per age:
14-19 years......................................2 Calories

20-29 years......................................8 Calories
30-39 years....................................16 Calories
40-49 years...................................144 Calories
50-59 years.....................................10 Bucks
60-69 years.................................1,800 Bucks

People who need to dress after.
Calmly..............................................16 Calories
In a hurry..........................................80 Calories
Her husband at the front door............900 Calories
Your wife knocking at the door........  500,000 Bucks

Nine Months Later (After Shooting The Moon)
Mommy.......................................20,000 Calories
Daddy.........................................48,000 Calories
No free lunches you need to look for a second Job.....